We are here, in your best interst!

Because you need to focus on what brings in revenue for you and your company, we ensure you have the adequate gadgets to work towards the set objectives; When they go bad, we are here to fix them in record time!

& Support

We fix faulty and damaged
Macintosh & windows computers,
manage installation of required
softwares for business productivity.

We also provide diagnosis and
supports services for business
and individual users.


We supply both Macs and windows
PCs including other peripherals
(printers, mouse, keyboards, moni-
tors, etc.).

This service is usually proceded by
an evaluation exercise to ensure the
items to be procured are really
necessary or there can be possible
work around. Depending on the
size of the procurement exercise;
this activity may or may not be


We provide businesses with routine
maintenance checks on all PCs by
proactively detecting faults and
fixing before they become major.
Our routine maintenance service
helps businesses optimize
production output and deliver
overboard results.


Our services come with options
of retainership for businesses.

The model of this retainership
would be discussed and agreed